The King's Birthday 2024 Honours List Announcement

10 June 2024

Congratulations to the constituents of Swan that have been honoured in the Kings's Birthday Honours List.

Member of the Order of Australia

Ms Vanessa Elliot AM

For significant service to the Indigenous community, to the mining industry, and to public administration.

Dr Stephen Langford OAM

For service to medicine, to rural health, and to medical education.

Mr Michael Litis OAM

For service to the community through sports organisations.

Mrs Evelyn Robinson OAM

For service to netball as an administrator, coach, and athlete.

Meritorious Awards

Australians Corrections Medial - Ms Leanne Green ACM

Ambulance Service Medal - Mr Brian Gallop ASM

Public Service Medal - Ms Francine Eades PSM


The Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), announced The King’s Birthday 2024 Honours List on 10 June.

The Governor-General's announcement comprises a range of awards in the Australian honours system, including the Order of Australia (General and Military divisions), military awards for conspicuous and distinguished service and meritorious occupation based awards.

The Governor-General’s website provides further information about the awards and recipients.

The Order of Australia seeks to honour Australians who make significant contributions in our communities at local, regional, national and international levels. I encourage you to nominate your constituents who have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement for recognition through the Order of Australia. It is Australia’s way of saying thank you.