PwC to front parliamentary inquiry to provide further evidence on tax leaks scandal

01 August 2024

On Friday, 2 August 2024, WA Federal MP Zaneta Mascarenhas, member of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (the committee), will question PwC as part of an inquiry into one Australia's biggest tax leak scandals.

Appearing at the committee hearing are the following current and former employees of PwC Australia:

  • Mr Kevin Burrowes, CEO
  • Ms Jan McCahey, Chief Risk & Ethics Leader
  • Ms Kylie Gray, General Counsel
  • Mr Chris Morris, Tax & Legal Leader
  • Ms Paddy Carney, Partner, Global Board Member
  • Ms Meredith Beattie, former General Counsel
  • Mr Luke Sayers, former CEO
  • Mr Tom Seymour, former CEO

The committee will also hear from Dr Ziggy Switkowski, author of Review of Governance, Culture and Accountability at PwC Australia, conducted following revelations that former PwC partner Mr Peter Collins breached confidentiality obligations by sharing Treasury information to assist PwC clients to avoid Australian anti-avoidance tax laws.

Quotes attributable to Zaneta Mascarenhas MP, Federal Member for Swan (Member, Corporations and Financial Services Committee):

"PwC's use of confidential government information for profit and their misleading of the ATO and the FIRB created a culture of disrespect for Australian taxpayers.”

"By understanding the deception, we will be able to help prevent it from happening again and I am proud of the work Labor is doing to hold PwC to account.

"Even though former PwC CEO's Tom Seymour and Luke Sayers may believe the issue is done, there are many questions that remain unanswered.

“PwC needs to stop with the half-truths and confusion and be straight with the Australian public.

"Kevin Burrowes was brought in by PwC's global team to resolve the issues created by the Australian branch and to keep it from spreading further.

"If the new CEO is serious about PwC Australia's 'Commitments to Change,' he should start by being open and honest with the Australian people."

The hearing will take place in the Main Committee Room, Parliament House, Canberra, commencing at 8.00am and concluding at 5.45pm (AEST).



MEDIA CONTACT: Melissa Robinson 0403 953 162