Partnership brings the heart to Wilson Park

28 August 2024


The City of Belmont’s vision for the Heart of Wilson Park sees all three levels of government working together to deliver an inspiring new space for the people of Rivervale.

The second stage of the Wilson Park Precinct Master Plan, the ‘Heart + Playground’ is in the final stages of planning and includes a pump track, youth play area, nature play and a social connection space for locals to gather and enjoy.

The project, estimated at $8.3 million has received a $2 million contribution from the Australian Government through the Investing in Our Communities Program and a $2 million Lotterywest grant to raise community sense of belonging and strengthen social connections.

The City of Belmont and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts executed the Australian Government commitment in November 2023 and the City received word that the WA Premier Roger Cook MLA had signed off the Lotterywest grant in early August 2024. The City of Belmont has also contributed $4,322,946 towards completion of the project.

City of Belmont’s Mayor Robert Rossi was delighted to see a significant investment in the heart of Wilson Park.

“We are incredibly thankful to both the Australian Government and the State Government for their support of this transformative initiative.

“This project is all about strengthening our community bonds by creating a welcoming environment for everyone.

“The aim for this stage of the precinct is to create a vibrant and inclusive space that encourages people of all ages and abilities to come together.

“We envision Wilson Park as a place where families, friends, and neighbours can connect, play, and enjoy each other’s company—now and well into the future,” he said.

Ms Mascarenhas, the Member for Swan, was thrilled to see the project reaching its final stages and commended the City of Belmont for bringing their vision for Wilson Park to life.

“It’s a $2 million commitment that I am proud to deliver on behalf of Federal Labor. I’m proud of the strong collaboration between local, state, and federal governments to make it happen.

“The project is truly inspiring—it will create a vibrant and safe space that brings people together to enhance and strengthen our community,” she said.

Ms Rowe, the Member for Belmont, was pleased to see the Wilson Park Precinct Plan progress to the next stage.

“I am thrilled that the Cook Government is supporting the Wilson Park Precinct Plan through a $2 million Lotterywest grant.

“This grant, along with a $2 million contribution from the Federal Government, will help breathe new life into a space that is enjoyed by the community.

“I look forward to continue working with the City of Belmont as the local member to ensure the Wilson Park Precinct Plan comes to fruition,” said Ms Rowe.

The Wilson Park Precinct Master Plan was developed in 2018 with extensive community consultation. During this process the theme of a central heart emerged as a place for community to connect and play. Wilson Park is a
registered Aboriginal heritage site and the project has included engagement with the Whadjuk Working Group and Traditional Owners.

The Heart + Playground zone is the second area of Wilson Park to receive an upgrade under the Wilson Park Precinct Master Plan, with upgrades to the netball courts and sporting areas occurring in 2022 and 2023.

More information and project updates are available via the City’s engagement platform at Belmont Park